One Thing Couples Must Do After the Wedding



As newlyweds, you certainly have a lot to do. From figuring out how you will share your space to changing your name to adding each other on credit cards – the list goes on. But, there is one thing most couples neglect to do that is the most important of all: send out thank you cards. A simple thank you card is the most critical component of the wedding. Yes, the idea of sending 200 personal thank you notes can be a little daunting, but not doing it could be perceived as rude by your guests.

Save Your Invitation List

save invitation list

If you haven’t had your wedding yet, save the wedding invitation list – these are, after all, the people you most likely are sending thank you cards to. Make a copy of that list and put it away. Then, mark off who came and who didn’t so you know who to send out cards to.

Write Down What You Get

write down what you get

Do not just open gifts and toss them aside. Write down the name of each person (or family) giving you a gift and next to their name, write down what they gave you. It is important to reflect upon their gift in your thank you note, even if it is just a quick mention.

Send them Within the Right Amount of Time

Send them Within the Right Amount of Time

Some brides and grooms send out thank you notes the instant they’re back from their honeymoon, while others take time. Regardless of what you have going on, it should not take any longer than three months to have those delivered.

Always Address the Giver

address the giver

Do not use an generic address. Instead, use the name of the person or persons you are sending the card to. Addressing them directly makes sure that your card is actually a personalized “thank you” and not some bulk letter distribution.

Be Gratious


be gracious

Show your gratitude not only for your guests showing up to the wedding, but for the gift. Mention the gift specifically, such as “thank you so much for the candle holder.” Be specific about what you liked about the gift and never generalize. So instead of “picture frame” say “silver-plated picture frame.”

Next, discuss how you plan to use the gift or what it means to you for receiving it. Even if guests gave you a monetary donation, thank them for contributing toward savings, a new home or even your honeymoon — however you intended to use those funds.

Both of You Sign

both of you sign

Not just one person should be signing the thank you notes. Instead, both of you should sign to show you are both gracious and appreciative.